Tempah Kereta

Internal tool for staff to book vehicles.

Technologies : Python, Django, Bootstrap (CSS), MySQL

Fullstack app built primarily using Django with Bootstrap. Might write a blog post someday on the process of building this app.

Went thru a lot of trial and errors, learnt a lot of things. Certainly, one of my favorite project so far.

mkdir tempahKereta && cd tempahKereta    
pip install django 
django-admin startproject tempahKereta .
On the left, main calendar menu. Middle, booking form. Right, Generate report/Booking List page.
Landing Page.

Main Features:

  • Easily book vehicles no matter the location.
  • Realtime update on booking status.
  • Interactive Calendar.

To be added:

  • My bookings tab : View/Modify/Delete own bookings
You can also have artistically styled 2/3 + 1/3 images, like these.

Primarily built this tool/app to ease booking process. Anytime, anywhere, as long as you have internet access.

What I learnt:

Learnt a lot valuable knowledge that can be implemented in my future projects (and also my old abandoned projects). Notable points:

  1. The importance of virtual environments : Isolating/Containerizing apps would ease the development process in the long run. Makes running locally and deploying a lot more easier.
  2. Keeping Secret Keys : Importing secret keys (API keys, Django keys, etc..) is a lot more safer rather than just importing it there, cause it leads the app to be vulnerable to attacks (?) and whatnot
  3. Implementing JS scripts/libraries to HTML files : Using external libraries to implement functions that are already built instead of building it by myself.
  4. Understanding JSON : Studying/Researching the importance of JSONresponse or calling APIs to the frontend to display proper info.
  5. Understanding Django ORM : WIP